Entries by BATSmgr2015

Top Tips to Improve Your Fuel Economy

1. Take a Chill Pill It turns out aggressive and generally aggravated driving can really come back and hit you in the pocketbook. All that quick accelerating and decelerating during freeway driving is slurping down33% more of your gasoline according to www.fueleconomy.gov  ! So maybe get out the door early and skip the “makes-me-want-to-speed” double […]

EPA: Shift Survey Requirements – Really? Why?

In December 2009 the EPA released what is commonly known as a “Dear Manufacturer” Letter, which revised previous certification and fuel economy policy regarding vehicles equipped withMultimode Transmissions, Select-Shift Transmissions (SST), and Shift Indicator Lights. This is another example of this cat and mouse relationship between regulators and manufacturers. Vehicle manufacturers have developed transmissions with […]


On Board Diagnostic Systems (OBD) aren’t new to the automotive industry, and they have been required by The California Air Resources Board (CARB) in cars and light duty applications since the early 1990’s. Beginning this year, CARB requires OBD systems on all heavy-duty highway applications as stated inTitle 13, California Code of Regulations, Section 1971.1 […]